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ITEC Civilian Training Programme 2018-19 : Terms and Condition (for participants)

Posted on: April 29, 2019 | Back | Print

ITEC Civilian Training Programme 2018-19: Terms and Conditions 
(Copy to be handed over to ITEC Participants)
ITEC Terms & Conditions

General Conditions :

* Participants must ensure that they have appropriate visa for India, valid for the entire duration of the training course before departure. While the Visa for India would be provided by respective Indian Mission on gratis basis, participants should obtain required transit visas, if any, on their own.

* Participants are required to take Yellow Fever and any other prescribed  vaccination, if so required as per WHO protocols, well before their departure to India (at least 10 days before the date of travel) otherwise they are liable to be quarantined at the airport on their own cost.

* Participants are required to obtain from the Indian Mission the contact details of the Course Coordinator and the Training Institute and should keep the Institute informed of their travel plans well in advance.

 * They must familiarize themselves with the weather conditions at the place of training and carry appropriate clothing with them.

* Participants are required to conduct themselves with discipline and abide by conduct rules, regulations and guidelines as stipulated by both the nominating Government and the Government of India.

* Participants are required to abide by the rules of the university/institution/establishment in which the participant is selected to undergo the training as well as participate in all Course-related activities including submission of periodic assessments/tests conducted by the Institute.

* Participants may be taken on educational study tour(s) as part of their Course Curriculum. This also typically includes visits to different Indian heritage sites/places of interest located in the geographical vicinity of the institute. Participation in the study tour is mandatory.

* Participants are required to complete the training Course. Participants must ensure that there are no family or official commitments during the training programme. Request for leave during the course may not be acceded to by the Government of India. Participants are required to return to their countries upon completion of the training Course.

* Participants who leave the Course midway without prior intimation/permission of the Ministry of External Affairs or remain absent from the Course are required to refund the cost of training including airfare to Government of India.

* Participants must refrain from engaging in any political activity and/or any form of employment for profit or gain while on training.

* Candidates must not to carry any arms, ammunition drugs or any other prohibited and illegal items.

* Participants are not allowed to bring along their spouses or families for the duration of the Course.  No such request will be entertained by Government of India.

* ITEC sponsorship could be canceled at any time due to unsatisfactory conduct, breach of conditions of the Programme, violation of rules of the institute/university/establishment, failure to make satisfactory progress in the training Course or for other sufficient cause as determined by the Government of India.

* Female participants are advised that if they are pregnant, issues related to their pregnancy will not be covered during their training on India.

* ITEC sponsorship may be canceled at any time due to unsatisfactory conduct, breach of conditions of the Programme, failure to make satisfactory progress in the training Course or for other sufficient reasons as determined by the Government of India.

* If any special assistance is required by a participant during his/her stay in India, it should be intimated to Mission as well as to the concerned Institute prior to departure for India.

* Participants are advised to join social media handles of ITEC on Facebook/Twitter to get useful information from the ITEC community.

Expenses Covered under ITEC programme :

Air Fare
Excursion/economy class air tickets for travel from the airport nearest to their place of working/residence in their respective home countries, to their place of training in India and back;.

Visa is issued gratis to the participants. Prior to departure for training in India, participants are advised to apply for Visa to the Embassy/High Commission of India, accredited or concurrently accredited to their country. Visa issued for a particular training programm cannot be utilized for some other purpose.

Course Fees
Fees charged by the training institutes are borne by the Government of India.

Accommodation is provided by the Training Institute in a hostel/hotel  and the charges on this account are borne by the Government of India. While generally accommodation is provided on single occupancy, there could be instances of accommodation being provided on double occupancy basis. (Type of accommodation being provided by the Institute is available at ITEC portal). Participants are required to pay for availing services such as: a. Room service, b. Laundry, c. Local and outstation telephone calls, fax, etc.

Living Allowance
The participants will receive a daily living allowance (currently INR 1200/- per day). Disbursement of this Allowance will be made by the Institute on a weekly/fortnightly basis (as decided by the Institute) after deducting charges for meals, as participants are required to bear expenditure for meals from the Living Allowance. In case institute does not make any arrangement for provision of meals, the participant will receive the entire daily living allowance. Participants are advised to bring some extra money with them for any particular individual needs they may have, including special dietary needs, shopping and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Book Allowance
The institute will provide the necessary training material, handouts, books, e-study material or any other documents which are necessary for training/self-study including a welcome-kit to the participants. In some cases, the institute may specify certain books and suggest that the participants should purchase the same. Cost on such purchases will be borne by Government of India.

Study Tour
An educational-cum-sightseeing study tour is an integral part of many courses. They also serve to familiarize the participants with Indian culture and history and are compulsory. Government of India bears the cost of such study tours during the Course.

Medical Facility
Participants selected for training Courses are expected to be medically fit. The Government of India will cover medical treatment only for ailments of immediate and emergency nature occurring in India. No medical reimbursement will be provided for ailments of chronic nature or for pre-existing medical condition. Participants must carry their own medicines for chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension, etc. and have to bear the expenditure for medicines and consultation of doctors on their own.


December, 2018

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