About Us Fact Sheet


Name of Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Pradeep Kumar Rawat





1,904,569 sq.km



Maximum temperature: 32 °C

Minimum temperature: 24 °C


273,268,023 (2020)

Source: Worldometers.info

Languages (with %age of speakers, if available)

Bahasa Indonesia is the official language. However, there are several hundred local languages and dialects spoken.

Javanese is one of the most widely spoken languages of the largest ethnic group.

Religions (with %age, if available)

Muslims: 87.2%

Christian (Protestants): 6.96%

Catholic: 2.91%

Hindu: 1.69%

Buddhist: 0.72%

Confucianism: 0.05%

Others: 0.5%


Source: BPS, Indonesia


Exchange rate with US$ & INR

1 US$ = IDR 14,800/-

1 INR = IDR 197/-

(approximate average of market exchange rate of May 2020)

Political Structure


Unitary Presidential Constitutional Republic.

President and Vice President are elected for five-year terms (eligible for a second term) by direct vote.

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) is the bicameral legislative body consisting of members of the People's Representative Council (DPR) and the House of Regional Representatives (DPD). MPR has the role in inaugurating and impeaching the President and in amending the Constitution but does not formulate national policy.

DPR (560 seats, members elected for five-year term) formulates and passes legislation at the national level.

DPD (132 members; four from each of Indonesia's 30 provinces, two special regions, and one special capital city district) provides legislative inputs to DPR on issues affecting regions.

Head of State (President)

H.E. Mr. Joko Widodo

(since 20 October 2014; re-elected in April 2019)

Head of Government (Prime Minister)

None: Each Minister leads his own work in Parliament.

Minister for Foreign Affairs

H.E. Ms. Retno L.P. Marsudi

(since 27 October 2014; reappointed in October 2019)



Indonesia has grown economically stronger since 2010. During the global financial crisis of 2008, Indonesia outperformed its regional neighbours and joined China and India as the only G20 members posting growth. Indonesia is southeast Asia’s largest economy which accounts for one-third of the ASEAN economy. The government of Indonesia is focussed on reinvigorating the economy by announcing economic stimulus packages and tax incentives aimed at fiscal and non-fiscal measures. Indonesia will remain on a positive growth trajectory given the growing domestic demand, liberalization measures, improved investment climate, and the drive to bolster exports and investments.

GDP at market price

US$ 1.112 trillion (nominal, 2019 est.)

Source: World Economic Outlook Database

GDP per capita

US$ 4164 (nominal, 2019 est.)

Source: World Economic Outlook Database

GDP Growth Rate

5.02% (2019)

Source: BPS, Indonesia

Total Trade



US$ 338.224 billion (2019)#

US$ 170.727 billion (2019)#

US$ 167.497 billion (2019)#

Bilateral Trade

Imports from India

Exports to India

US$ 16.080 billion (2019)#

US$ 4.295 billion (2019)#

US$ 11.785 billion (2019)#

#Source: Indonesian Ministry of Trade figures


Indian Origin/ Permanent Resident

Approximately 100,000 Persons of Indian Origin

Indian Expatriates (composition and any pertinent information that may be of interest)

Total: 8500 NRIs (Most of them are professionally qualified and amongst them are Chartered Accountants, Software Professionals, Teachers, Engineers etc.)

Indian Organizations

India Business Forum

The Mission has set up ‘India Business Forum’ bringing together Indian CEOs, entrepreneurs and professionals in Indonesia. The Forum, consisting of 350 members, has emerged as a platform to discuss and suggest ways and means to achieve closer economic cooperation.

Indian Organizations


Indcham is an independent body established by the Indian Business Community with about 100 members and an Executive Committee. It conducts regular interactive sessions and liaises between Indian companies and Indonesian authorities towards an enhanced economic engagement with Indonesia.


CII Representative Office

The CII opened its eleventh global office in Jakarta, Indonesia. It has been set up with the aim to facilitate Indian Industry in doing business with Indonesia, India’s second largest trading partner in the ASEAN Region. The objective of the office is to provide a single point contact for both Indonesian businesses and Indian industry to get information about, connect and engage with each other.

Indian Organizations


State Bank of India

Bank of India


Indian Schools

There is one Indian school whose syllabus is based on CBSE:

DPS International School, Karawang


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Visitors: 3612368  |  Page last updated on: 10-03-2025