About Us Miscellaneous Services

Please note: All  Passport/Consular services will be rendered with prior appointment only. For appointment please email us at :[email protected] / [email protected]  or call us at our landline no: +62 61 4531308 / 4556452.
Application submission time at Consulate General: 1000 to 1200 hrs and collection time: 1600 to 1700 hrs from Monday to Friday except holidays.
Consulate General of India in Medan
Jl. Uskup Agung Sugiopranoto, No. 19A,
Medan - 20152, North Sumatra, Indonesia"

Please note: All Consular services will be rendered with prior appointment only. Please get appointment via email to [email protected]  or by call: +62 61 4531308/ 4556452. Application submission time at Consulate General: 1000 to 1200 hours & Collection time: 1600 to 1700 hours from Monday to Friday except holidays. 


Consulate General of India in Medan

Jl. Uskup Agung Sugiopranoto, No. 19A

Medan - 20152, North Sumatra,

  • Consular Services Fee will be accepted through bank only

Banking details:-

Account Name : Consulate General of India

Bank Name  : SBI Indonesia

Account No. : 4011 0000 83

Bank Code   : 498

1. Renunciation of Indian Citizenship (through online module of Ministry of Home Affairs): The Government of India does NOT allow dual citizenship. Once attaining the foreign citizenship, every Indian national should apply for Renunciation of his/her Indian citizenship and Surrender of Indian Passport.


  • Any Indian citizen can renounce his/her citizenship by making a declaration in the form XXII specified in rule 23 of The Citizenship Rules, 2009.

  • Application for Renunciation should be applied online at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Foreigners Division) website: https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in

  • The applicant should click on “Declaration of Renunciation of Citizenship under Section 8 of the Act made by a Citizen of India who is also a Citizen or National of another country”.

  • While filling the online application form, applicants will have to pay fees of INR 8,000/-and attach copy of fees receipt with application.

  • MHA File Number would be generated automatically after the submission of online application and the same will be communicated to the applicant by e-mail. Applicant must keep note of it for tracking the status and refer this file number for any future correspondence.

  • Complete step by step instructions for filling a fresh online application, modifying a partially filled online application, printing an application submitted online may be referred in website: https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in

  • Applicant must take the print out of the online submitted application and submit the application to Consulate General of India in Medan in-person with following documents:

  1. Print out of the online application form XXII.

  2. Indian Passport (original and copy).

  3. Kitas / Kitap (original and copy).

  4. Letter of acquisition of Indonesian citizenship.

  5. Proof of online payment of INR 8,000/- made on MHA website and ICWF fee IDR 32,000/- to be made in the Consulate General account.

  • Once the application form is submitted online by the applicant, then no further modifications are allowed. Hence applicants are requested to carefully verify the details before submitting the online Application form.

  • Processing time may vary from 30-60 days from the date of receiving the application.

  • The decision of the competent authority on declaration of renunciation of Indian citizenship shall be conveyed to the applicant through e-mail and renunciation certificate will have to be collected by the applicant at the Consulate General.

  • Applicant may note the legal provision under section 8 of the Citizenship Act, 1955 which provides that where a person ceases to be a citizen of India on renunciation of citizenship under section 8 (1), every minor child of that person shall thereupon ceases to be a citizen of India. However, such child may, within one year after attaining full age, can make a declaration in the prescribed form and manner that he wishes to resume Indian citizenship.

  • A person who has ceased to be Indian Citizen is required to surrender the documents which he had acquired on the basis of his Indian citizenship (e.g. Voter Card etc.) to the authorities concerned.

  • Additional documents may be asked, if any specified by the Consular Officer

2. NOC for Indonesian Citizenship:

  • Indian Passport Original and Copy.

  • Kitas / Kitab- Original and copy.

  • Requesting Letter to Indonesian Immigration / SKIM (Copy and Original).

  • Photo 2inch by 2inch One Copy.

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Fees : IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

3. Birth Certificate based on Passport:

  • Fees : IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

4. NOC for Marriage (In Case of Marriage of Indian to Indonesian National):

  • Original and Copy of Indian Passport.

  • Photo 2 inch by 2 inch (Two).

  • Applicant has to submit a Certificate of bachelorhood/single-status/eligibility to get married issued by competent court having jurisdiction of the area of the residential address of the applicant. This can be in the form of a declaratory order for which a suit has to be filed before the appropriate court for the specific purpose which is required to be counter-attested by the Home Department of the State concerned. Thereafter, it is to be attested/apostilled by the Attestation Section of the Consular, Passport & Visa (CPV) Division of the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.

  • Note: After marriage, the couple may get attested their marriage certificate by Indonesia Foreign Office (Kemlu/Deplu) and further Attested by Indian Consulate so that their marriage is valid both in India and Indonesia.

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Fee:  IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

  • Additional documents may be asked, if any specified by the Consular Officer

5. NOC regarding issue of Passport from India in r/o a minor: (in case one of the parents is residing in India, applies for child’s passport)

  • Passport & Kitas (Original & Copy) of the Applicant.

  • Marriage Certificate.

  • Birth Certificate of the Child.

  • Prescribed Form To Fill Up For The Parent In Indonesia.

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Note: As per new rule there is no need to attest the Affidavit by Missions.

  • Fees : IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

6. Birth registration and Fresh passport for newly born baby (if both the parents of Indian national or one of the parents is other nationality):

A. Birth registration :

  • A person may submit an application for registration of birth of his minor child born outside India in terms of sub-section(1) of section 4 in Form I to the Indian Consulate in the Country, where such child was born, together with a declaration that the child does not hold the passport of any other country.

  • The applicant are advised to carefully go through the provision of the citizenship Act, 1955 and rules framed there under to determine their eligibility for Indian citizenship.

  • Child birth registration As per Section 4(1) of Citizenship Act,1955, a child born outside India on or after 03.12.2004 shall be a citizen of India by descent

  • Procedure for Online Registration of Birth

i) An online application has to be made on https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in Click on “Registration of birth of a minor child at an Indian Consulate under section 4(1) of the citizenship act, 1955” fill the form and upload the documents as given below:

  1. copy of certified Birth Certificate issued by competent Authority of Indonesia (in one pdf less then 1024kb or 1mb which contains multiple pages)

  2. In case of Indian Passport Holders: self-attested copies of first two and last two pages of the parents passports(valid) and the page (s) containing passport officer’s observation (s) (if any) or In case one of the or Parents holds Foreign Passport: self-attested copies of the valid passport pages containing personal particulars of the passport holder including Indian spouse passport copies (first two & last two pages) and the page (s) containing passport officer’s observation (s) (if any) (in one pdf less then 1024kb or 1mb which contains multiple pages)

  3. Certified Marriage Certificate of the parents including self certified copy of Certificate of Indian citizenship of parent (s) if the Indian parent (s) has/have acquired Indian citizenship by registration/naturalization (in one pdf less then 1024kb or 1mb which contains multiple pages).

  4. Upload Passport size photograph of the Child in jpg format only not more than 20kb (dimension should be 100 (Width) * 120 (Hight) – use the Microsoft picture manager for resizing the image.

ii) Print online application from, duly filled, and submit the same along with uploaded documents, 2 passport size photograph of the child, original proof of payment, copy of KITAS/Residence permit for address proof in Indonesia, birth certificate issued from the hospital if any and an affidavit signed by both the parents at Consulate General:19A, JL. Uskup Agung, Sugiopranoto, Medan – 20152 (Indonesia). .

  • Note: after one year of birth of child, the process is same. However, in such cases, a notarized affidavit or an affidavit executed before the Consular Officer of the Consulate General from the parents stating the reason (s) for not registering the birth within one year of birth of the child, is also required to be submitted

  • III) Physical presence of the Child and Parents is required. Parents are requested to bring all the originals along with one set of copies as mentioned above at the time of submission. Originals will be returned immediately after the verification.

  • Fee:  IDR 352,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

  • Processing Time: Normally, 7-8 Working Days, if the application is complete in all respects.

  • Please Note: Name of the father and the mother entered in the Birth Certificate of the child should match with the names appearing in their passports. In case of any discrepancy/some difference in names, an observation in this regard is required to be made from the concerned Birth Registrar’s office.

  • Additional documents may be asked, if any specified by the Consular Officer

B. Fresh Passport for newly born child: After submitting online application of registration of Birth, fill the online application form for fresh passport at this link "https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/ ". Please choose online registration option and select Mission: Indonesia – Medan. After submitting the online form, please take print out of application, sign/thumb impression of child in the box, and paste 2 inch x 2 inch, light background with 80% face area and showing shoulders. Guidelines for photograph. Documents will be remain same as required for Birth Registration of new born child.

7. Attestation of Documents (except commercial documents):

  • The Consulate attests copies of original documents submitted to it without certifying authenticity of contents. 

  • Certificates issued in India are required to be duly Attested/Apostilled by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs

  •  (Ref: http://mea.gov.in/apostille.htm and https://esanad.nic.in) prior to their presentation for attestation by the Consulate General.

  • Documents such as documents pertaining to sale, purchase, power of attorney, mortgage, transfer, gift, etc. of real estate or movable properties or issue of a document by a Consular Officer pertaining to such matters can be attested.

  • Applicant has to be present at the time of attestation of documents/ signatures/photographs.

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • One passport size photograph to be pasted on miscellaneous form.

  • Only Commercial/official/documents from the business houses can be attested by an authorized representative. Copy of passport/ID of the representative to be attached with miscellaneous form.

Applicants requiring attestation on foreign documents are required to be attested first by all of the following authorities before submission for attestation.

  • A Notary Public

  • Ministry of Law and Human Rights

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia (KEMLU)

  • Fee:  IDR 352,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

8. Attestation of Trade/Commercial documents .

Fee:  IDR 832,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

9.Power of Attorney:

  • Two copies of power of Attorney

  • Copy of Passport/OCI and KITAS with originals.

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Presence of Applicant who is signing the Power of Attorney is compulsory and sign in front of Consular Officer.

  • There should not be other signatures (witnesses, notary etc.) except the person/persons signing the power of attorney who is/are present.

  • Fee:  IDR 352,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

 10. Police Clearance Certificate (PCC):

  • Police Record From Local Government.

  • Passport (Original & Copy).

  • KITAS (Original & Copy).

  • A letter from the Company where applicant is working stating that there is nothing adverse or otherwise against the applicant.

  • Photo-Passport size- One Copy.

  • Form to be filled online https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/  and submit the printed copy along with supporting documents at the Consulate Counter.

  • (Presence of applicant is compulsory)

  • Fee: IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

11. Registration of Death and issuing of Certificate:

  • Original Passport for Cancellation & Copy.

  • KITAS (Original & Copy).

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Death Certificate from Local Authorities (Hospital or Crematoriums) clearly mentioning the cause of death.

  • Passport & KITAS (original and copy) of the informant,

  • Police Report(original and copy), if death is not natural

  • Documents issued by Indonesian authorities/hospital in Bahasa language may preferably be translated into English and notorised locally. This will help in early clearance on eCare portal.

  • Note: Launch of e-Clearance for Afterlife Remains (eCARe) portal: The eCARe Clearance Portal is an online platform for conducting human remains clearance procedure electronically. It can be used by any individual who is a relative or friend of the deceased, any organisation viz. NGO, Funeral Services, Embalmers or Indian Embassy, Consulates, High Commissions of India which is assisting the families in transportation of the Human Remains and any Airlines which can facilitate the application. Visit https://ecare.mohfw.gov.in/ for more information.

  • Fee: IDR 352,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

For Carrying Ashes to India:

  • Death Certificate Copy and original.

  • Applicant’s Passport/OCI card (Copy and Original)

  • Fees : Gratis

12. NRI Certificate:

  • Sponsor Letter From The Company Certifying How Long he/she Has been Working.

  • The Child Birth Certificate or Passport Copy.

  • Marriage Certificate.

  • Parent’s Passport Copy along with

  • Affidavit from the Parent who is working in Indonesia.

  • Fee: IDR 432,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

13. Certificate of Identity:

  • Passport (original and copy)


  • Any other ID like Election Card/ Aadhaar etc

  • (Presence of applicant is compulsory)

  • Fee: IDR 832,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

14.  Emergency Certificate:

  • An Emergency Certificate (one-way travel document), which authorizes an Indian citizen to enter India, is issued to individuals who have lost their passports or their passports have been stolen or damaged and to whom new passports cannot be issued without approval from India. This document is issued primarily with the objective of ensuring the applicant's return to India in an emergency.

  • Form to be filled online https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/  and submit the printed copy at the Consulate Counter.

  • Passport (original and copy)

  • Documents to be attached: Original Air Ticket

  • Letter from Jail in case imprisonment for overstay / immigration for deportation.

  • Fee IDR 272,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

  • Additional documents may be asked, if any specified by the Consular Officer

15. Life Certificate

  • Miscellaneous form to be filled.

  • Self-attested photocopies of the passport pages containing personal particulars of the passport holder

  • A passport size photograph

  • Proof of current residence address

  • KITAS/ KITAP in original and If you do not have Life Certificate form please download here

  • Fees : Gratis

16. Attestation of documents true copy of the original issued from India only:

  • Passport (copy)

  • Fee: IDR 192,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

17. Solemnizing a Marriage

A Consular Officer solemnizing a marriage, registration of a marriage certificate and a certified copy of the entry (all).

  • Fee: IDR 832,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

18. Merchant Shipping

A. Attestation of documents pertaining to sale, purchase, mortgage, transfer of vessel or transfer of one's interest in merchant vessel.

  • Fee: IDR 832,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

19. Merchant Shipping

A. Attestation of documents of issue of certificates to a sailor as per Chapter IX of the Consular manual on Merchant Shipping (Individual sailor being applicant for his individual case)

Fee: IDR 192,000/- (included ICWF charges IDR– 32,000/-)

19. Other Services

A. For administration or distribution, or both of the property situated in country, of the Consular Officer’s residence, of an Indian citizen or any other person, not being a seaman, dying intestate, or if not intestate, when undertaking in the absence of legally competent representative of the deceased in country of his death or a request of legal heirs of deceased living in India as the case may be.

Fee: 4.160.000 or 2.5 per cent of estimated value of the property/ estate, whichever is more + ICWF IDR 32,000/-

B. If such property is in country of concurrent accreditation of a Consular Officer.

Fee: 16,480,000 or 2.5 per cent of estimated value of the property, whichever is more + ICWF IDR 32,000/-

C. Issue of succession certificate as laid down in the Consular Manual.

Fee: 2.5 per cent of estimated value of the estate or property + ICWF IDR 32,000/-

20. Services requiring visits or attendance of a Consular Officer on request of an applicant away from chancery

Fee: Officer’s travelling allowance and daily allowance plus IDR 1,648,000 for each visit plus consular fees for service required + ICWF IDR 32,000/-


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Visitors: 3612372  |  Page last updated on: 10-03-2025