About Us TCS of Colombo Plan

TCS of Colombo Plan

Technical Cooperation Scheme (TCS) of Colombo Plan: Through the Technical Cooperation Scheme (TCS) of Colombo Plan, the Government of India provides a comprehensive and integrated training to participants from 18 member-countries of Colombo Plan with the purpose of assisting them to enhance their administrative and technical capabilities through human resource development.

TCS Colombo Plan training programme is provided in as many as 29 courses in 9 empanelled-Institutes.

The Government of India will fully fund the expenses for the trainees, including airfares, boarding, lodging and living allowances for the duration of the training period. We would appreciate if applications are sent well before the scheduled commencement of a course.

Comprehensive details on the TCS Colombo Plan training courses, including the eligibility criteria, terms & conditions, procedure for application and the Application Forms, can be accessed on the ITEC website: www.itec.mea.gov.in 

Application form

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