About Us Types of Visas

A. e-Tourist visa:

Applicants can also apply e-tourist visa on the same website. It is directly processed on line by Visa Team, New Delhi. Applications can be made online and on line payments can be made by cards. Visa comes on e mail of the applicant. Detailed instructions, applications and fees are available on https://indianvisaonline.gov.in/evisa/tvoa.html

NOTE: Applicants are requested to use above website only for applying e visa. There are some websites operated by unauthorized agents which are charging more than double the actual fees. Applicants can contact the visa processing team on the helpline number provided by e-visa team.

B.  Tourist Visa (TV) :

It is issued for the purpose of sight-seeing and family visit. The application for the same should be accompanied by the following documents :

  • Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey.

  • Statement of the bank account of the applicant in original. Parents’ bank account statement in case of minors

  • Confirmation of Hotel booking at the place of intended visit in India.

  • Or letter of invitation/sponsorship from India with a copy of sponsor’s passport or Identity card. In case of a foreigner inviting to stay in India, a copy of his valid Indian visa should also be attached.

Terms and Conditions: 1. It is non-convertible and non-extendable. Maximum duration is 5 years.
2. Can be converted to other type only in cases of marriages with Indian Nationals.

3. Duration of visa/ number of entries is at discern of Embassy of India.

C:   ‘X’ Entry Visa (XV):

1. This type of visa or Entry Visa is granted to foreign spouse/children of Indian nationals particularly those who want to live in India. The following documents are required for processing the visa.

  • Marriage Certificate in case of  spouse/ Birth Certificate in case of child (Original Certificates should be produced for verification along with copies)

  • Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey

  • Copy of  Indian passport/ copy of  passport with valid Indian visa

  • Sponsorship letter from the spouse for stay in India

2. Diplomats/officials on a personal (non-official) visit to India. Documents:

* Note Verbal from departments/ Missions mentioning the purpose of visit.

* Copy of flight tickets. 

D. Business Visa (BV) :

The Business visa is issued for attending business/technical meetings and other business requirements in India. Maximum duration is 5 years. Documents to be attached with application :

  • Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey.

  • Letter of request/guarantee/sponsor from the company in Indonesia indicating nature of  Applicants’ Business and position held in the Company (in English only)/

  • In case the person is self-employed, copy of his bank statement in original and his business card  

  • Letter of invitation from the company in India. It should clearly indicate the period of invitation. (Company’s letter head- fax/scanned copy only/ E mail communication without signature is not acceptable).

  • Company Registration Certificate in respect of Indian Company.

  •  Copy of Hotel Booking where the applicant will stay in India.

Duration of visa/ number of entries is at discern of Embassy of India.

The Business Visa to foreigners (Non Indonesians) is issued from countries of their domicile where their residence is more than two years. They need to submit the copy of their KITAS/Residence permit. If it is less, then prior clearance is sought from Missions where the applicant has permanent residence. They should apply one week in advance.

The business visa holders’ family members (dependents only) will be given B-X (Business dependents) visa.

Business Visa for Sports persons (BV) :

  • It comes under  Business Visa where the invitation to sports persons to visit India for participating in International competitions in India is extended by concerned Sports Federation/ Association in India after obtaining approval of the Govt. of India in the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports in consultation with Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs.

  • Members of Sports delegations to attend meetings of International level to be held in India with the concurrence of Government of India are given Conference Visa (CV) with prior intimation from Department of Sports & Youth Affairs. The Organizers should obtain approval from the above Ministry before inviting foreign Sports persons/teams.

  • Documents to attached with application:

1. Recommendation letter from the Clubs/Associations/ministries, Indonesia.
2. Invitation Letter from the Clubs/Associations/ Federations in India who are organizing the Sports Event.

3. Copy of return flight ticket.

E. Employment Visa (EV) :

This type of visa issued for maximum period of  one year or the term of contract whichever is less (extendable in India) in order to enable the  qualified professional/ highly skilled applicant to work in India on remuneration basis for senior level or specialized functions. The following documents are required for processing the request for this visa.

  • Appointment letter/ contract, specifying the terms and conditions of employment, from the prospective employer in India including the pay structure, nature of job, period, duly signed.

  •  Recommendation letter from the present employer in Indonesia.

  • Bio-data/resume (Qualification and work experience) of the applicant.

  • Certificate of registration of the Indian employer in India

  • Copy of confirmed flight tickets

  • Justification letter from the employer for the need to hire a foreigner- clearly mentioning the efforts taken by company to hire Indian Nationals. Generally the post should be advertised in electronic/print media.

  • Education qualification degrees.

  • Proof of payment of Taxes in India, if applicant has previously worked in India and if company has Foreigners working in it, proof of their salary and tax payments.


1. Employment visa is issued only for highly educated/professionals/skilled applicants. NO Employment visa is issued for routine/ ordinary/simple jobs.

2. Clearance from Ministry of Civil Aviation is required for Pilots wanting to work in India, for renewal of their license.

3. MOHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) clearance is required for applicants seeking employment to work offshore in oil fields.

4. Non Indonesian nationals are required to get Employment Visa from the country of their origin or from a country of permanent residence of more than two years.

5. Where the stay is more than 180 days, registration with FRRO is a must within 14 days of arrival.

6. Employment visa is extendable in India by Immigration Department subject to security check, payment of tax and complying of other registration formalities. Registration is mandatory. Extension is not done by Consulate General of India, Medan.

7. Family members of the applicant will be issued E-X (Employment dependent visa).

F: (1) Student Visa (SV) :

1. It is issued to bona fide students to pursue regular higher studies of recognized course at recognized institutions in India. Please contact Education section first for prior approval before applying to Consular Section for Students Visa. The applicant should apply in advance (two weeks) to get the application approved from Education Section and subsequently present to Consular Section for visa processing. The documents necessary for processing this visa are:

  • Certificate  in original of confirmed admission for recognized course from the recognized educational institute in India

  • Degree/certificate and transcript of marks/GPA obtained in the last qualifying examination, based on which admission is granted

  • Payment receipt of all school/University fees including Tuition fee

  • Bank statement of  the student/parents/guardian for the last six months

  • Two passport size photographs

  • Sponsorship letter from the parent/guardian

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Course curriculum (for short term courses & courses other than the regular school/ university course)

  • Recommendation/ reference letter if any

  • FRRO registration for the students already studying in India

  • Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey.

  • In case of admission in medical or paramedical courses in India, a letter of Approval or No objection certificate from the Ministry of Health, Government of India, is also required. Similarly, for admission to graduate or post-graduate courses in engineering/ technical institutions in India, a letter of approval or a No objection certificate from the Ministry of Human Resources Development (Department of Education) is required.

(2) Student visa for Internship

Foreign national intending to pursue internship in Indian companies, Educational Institutions and NGOs may apply for Intern Visa. The duration of Intern Visa will be restricted to the duration of the internship programme or one year, whichever is less. The Intern Visa will be granted immediately after completion of graduation/post graduation but the gap between the completion of graduation/post graduation and the commencement of the internship should not be more than two year.

  Requirements :

  • Letter from the Indian company/Educational Institution/NGO concerned indicating the period of internship.

  • In case the internship is in a Company, the applicant being sponsored should draw a minimum remuneration of Rs. 7.80 lakhs per annum. There is no minimum salary limit in case of internship in Education institution and NGOs.

  • Earnings from internship of the foreign national with Indian companies/Educational Institutions/NGOs will be subject to the Indian Income Tax Regulations.

  • Grant of Intern Visa to pursue internship in NGOs may take minimum 2-3 months.

  • Foreign nationals granted visa for doing internship will have to register them with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO)/ Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned within 14 days of arrival in India if continuous stay is for more than 180 days.

  • Foreign national will not be allowed to take up employment in India immediately after completion of the Internship programme. 

  • Conversion of the Intern visa into any other type of visa is not permitted. 

(3) For study in Yoga, Vedic culture and Indian Systems of Music and Dance and Buddhist Studies.

Student Visa can be granted visa for full term of the course. Student visa for primary education will not be entertained. Bonafide certificate issued by the educational authorities in India should indicate the full name of the College/Institute, Address, email id/ telephone no. /website address, term of the course as well the relevant year in which the applicant would be pursuing the course.

Submission of proof of Academic records in respect of education completed is necessary.

Studying under Tourist visa is illegal. Tourist Visa cannot be converted to Students visa.

G: Research Visa (RV) :

1. Foreigners desiring to undertake research work in India must apply (6 copies) in the prescribed format, at least three months in advance, to the Secretary, Department of  Education, Ministry of Human Resource development, Government of India, New Delhi giving full bio data and synopsis of the thesis. Approval of Ministry of Human Resources Development (Department of Education), New Delhi, should accompany the visa application. The validity of the visa would coincide with the research period.

The application should accompany the following documents:

  • Certificate of   in original confirmed admission for recognized course from the recognized educational institute in India

  • Degree/certificate and transcript of marks/GPA obtained in the last qualifying examination, based on which admission is granted

  • Synopsis of thesis / research subject

  • Details of the places to be visited in India with duration of stay at each place in connection with research work

  • Payment receipt of all school/University fees including Tuition fee

  • Bank statement of  the student/parents/guardian for the last six months

  • Two passport size photographs

  • Sponsorship letter from the parent/guardian

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Course curriculum (for short term courses & courses other than the regular school/ university course)

  • Recommendation/ reference letter if any

  • FRRO registration for the students already studying in India

Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey

Please contact the Education section first for prior approval before applying to Consular Section for Research Visa.

2. Research Scholars at a recognized Indian Institution and under bilateral exchange program.

H:  Journalist Visa (JV) :

Journalist visa is issued to professional journalists and photographers representing recognized electronic or print media. Please contact Information Wing of the Embassy for prior approval before applying for visa in Consular Section. Must apply well in advance. The documents required are as under :

  • Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey.

  • Recommendation letter from the employer.

  • Letter from the Indian office of the employer of his associate in India.

I. Conference Visa (CV) :

This type of visa is issued for the participation in international conferences/seminars/workshops/meetings/symposium being organized by Government bodies, International organizations, public sector units and NGOs in India. Administrative approval from nodal Ministry/ Department.
1. A letter of invitation from the Indian organizer of the conference.
2. A letter of recommendation from the institution in Indonesia with whom the applicant is affiliated.
3. Confirmed return ticket or print out of the confirmed to and fro journey.

It is the responsibility of organizers to obtain clearances through the nodal ministries from MHA and MEA before sending invitation to foreign participants. Applicants are advised to apply well in advance and ensure that the organizers have obtained necessary approval from Government of India.

J.  Medical Visa (MV):

For persons going for medical treatment in India. Medical visa is not given for normal ailments which are not serious in nature. Patient can be accompanied by maximum two medical attendants. Documents:

1. Invitation of recognized hospital in India, duly stamped and signed by the Doctor and Head of the Department.

2. Medical records and reference letter from the doctor in Indonesia.

3. Copy of Flight tickets.

4. Letter from the hospital/institution in India confirming the applicants admission for medical treatment. All visa applicants for medical visa and Ayush visa are required to click on the following link and generate the invitation letter which is mandatory to be submitted along with the visa application: https://indianfrro.gov.in/frro/medicalvaluetravel

K. Transit Visa (TRV) :

It is valid for single/double entry for a maximum stay of 72 hours and issued for bona fide transit purpose only. A copy of the airline ticket needs to be enclosed. 15 days single entry Transit visa is issued for Seamen. Seamen need to submit copy of Seamen Book, letter from the company operating the ship.


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Visitors: 3612362  |  Page last updated on: 10-03-2025